Undaunted is a deck-building game in which players take command of the Allies or the Axis when they are drawn. This seamless integration of cards and board makes for a strategic and engaging gameplay experience.

Each round begins with a battle for initiative. Players discard a card from their starting hand and the player with the highest value wins the initiative. This gives them the advantage of being the first to act. When it is the players' turn, they all play their hand cards to perform a series of actions. One of these actions is the movement of units, the distance being determined by the card played. However, movement is limited to areas that have already been explored, emphasising the importance of reconnaissance. To control target areas, players must first scout them and then take actions to secure them if they are not occupied by the enemy. The Bolster action allows players to permanently add additional cards to their deck from the supply. This aspect of deck building expands strategic options and allows players to tailor their decks to their preferred play style.

Combat plays a crucial role in Undaunted. When attacking, players roll a D10, with the number of dice determined by their Attack Rating. The aim is to roll a number equal to or greater than the target unit's Defence, taking into account distance and terrain-based Defence modifiers. This strategic mechanism highlights the challenges of ranged combat and emphasises the importance of terrain in warfare.

If a unit is hit, the corresponding card must be immediately removed from the player's hand, then from the discard pile and, if necessary, from the game board. If the card is not available, the corresponding counter is removed from the board. If you lose all your shooter tokens, you are defeated and cannot win.

Our round of Undauted immersed us in a world full of courage, strategy and exciting scenarios. From the large-scale Battle of Barenton in Normandy to the intense and focused game of Act with the Utmost Vigour in North Africa, each scenario offered a distinct and engaging experience.

The Reinforcements expansion's ability to bring every character and unit on the map to Normandy added to the immersion and visual spectacle of the game. On the other hand, the smaller and more intriguing objective in North Africa challenged us to think tactically and execute precise manoeuvres to achieve victory.

Even with the Reinforcements expansion, Undaunted continues to impress with its dynamic gameplay, strategic depth and attention to historical detail. Whether playing as a tank commander on a large battlefield or on special missions in unique environments, the expansion adds a new dimension to an already compelling game.

For the next CU, on 28.05.2023 we go back to the time of the railway pioneers and build our own railway empire in Ticket to Ride: Europe...