3 Means

3.1 The Association shall have the following means at its disposal for the pursuit of its objects:

a) membership fees

b) Income from its own events

c) Donations and contributions of all kinds

3.2 Membership fees are set annually by the Members' Assembly. Active members shall pay a higher fee than passive members.

3.3 The financial year shall correspond to the calendar year.

4 Membership

4.1 Membership is open to natural persons and legal entities of full age who support the purpose of the association.

4.2 Minors may become members with the consent of their legal guardians.

4.3 The Executive Committee shall decide on admission.

5 Termination of Membership

5.1 Membership shall lapse

a) for natural persons by resignation, exclusion or death.

b) in the case of legal entities, by resignation, exclusion or dissolution of the legal entity.

6 Resignation and exclusion

6.1 Resignation from the association is possible at any time. The letter of resignation must be sent in writing, also per e-mail to the Executive Committee. The full membership fee shall be paid for the preceding year.

6.2 A member may be expelled at any time for

a) violation of the statutes.

b) violation of the objectives of the association.

7 Bodies of the Association

7.1 The organs of the association are:

a) the Members' Assembly

b) the Executive Committee

8 The Members' Assembly

8.1 The supreme body of the Association is the Members' Assembly. An ordinary Members' Assembly meeting shall be held annually in the 1st quarter.

8.2 Members shall be invited to the Members' Assembly meeting in writing at least 10 days in advance, stating the agenda items. Invitations sent by e-mail are valid.

8.3 Agenda items for the attention of the Members' Assembly shall be submitted in writing, also per e-mail,  to the Executive Committee at least two weeks in advance.

8.4 The Executive Committee or 1/5 of the members may at any time request the convening of an extraordinary Members' Assembly meeting, stating the purpose. The meeting shall be held no later than 4 weeks after receipt of the request.

8.5 The General Assembly is the supreme body of the association. It shall have the following inalienable duties and powers:

a) approval of the minutes of the last Members' Assembly meeting

b) approval of the annual report of the Executive Committee

c) approval of the annual accounts

d) discharge of the Executive Committee

e) election of the members of the Executive Committee

f) determination of the membership fees

g) approval of the annual budget

h) passing resolutions on the programme of activities

i) to pass resolutions on motions of the Executive Committee and the members

j) to amend the statutes

k) deciding on the expulsion of members

l) decisions on the dissolution of the association and the use of the proceeds of liquidation.

8.6 Any Members' Assembly meeting duly convened shall constitute a quorum irrespective of the number of members present.

8.7 The members shall pass resolutions by a simple majority. In the event of a tie, the Chairperson shall have the casting vote.

8.8 Amendments to the statutes require the approval of a ⅔-majority of those entitled to vote.

9 Executive Committee

9.1 The Executive Committee shall consist of at least one person.

9.2 The Executive Committee shall manage the day-to-day business and represent the association externally.

9.3 It shall issue regulations.

9.4 The Executive Committee may employ or commission persons for appropriate compensation to achieve the objectives of the association.

9.5 The Executive Committee shall have all powers not delegated to another body by law or by these statutes.

9.6 The following functions are represented on the Executive Committee:

a) Presidium

b) Quaestorship

c) Actuarial Office

9.7 The accumulation of offices is possible.

9.8 The Executive Committee shall constitute itself.

9.9 The Executive Committee shall meet as often as business requires.

9.10 Any member may request that a meeting be convened, stating the reasons. Unless a member requests oral deliberation, resolutions may be passed by circular letter (including e-mail).

9.11 The Executive Committee shall, in principle, act in an honorary capacity.

10 Authority to sign

10.1 The Executive Committee generally decides on the authority to sign in twos.

10.2 For banking transactions, the Quaestorship shall be authorized to sign individually.

11 Liability

11.1 Only the assets of the association shall be liable for the debts of the association. A personal liability of the members is excluded.

12 Dissolution of the association

12.1 The dissolution of the association may be decided by resolution of an ordinary or extraordinary Members' Assembly meeting and may be dissolved by a majority vote of ⅔ of the members present.

12.2 In the event of dissolution of the association, the Members' Assembly shall decide on the distribution of the proceeds of liquidation.

13 Entry into force

These Statutes have been adopted at the Members' Assembly of 25.03.2023 and have entered into force.