1.2 Types, categories and amount of membership fees
According to Article 3 of the Statutes, the annual membership fees shall be determined by the Members' Assembly.
1.2.1 Passive member (Hastatus)
- Natural persons without voting rights who support the purpose of the Association.
- They pay an annual membership fee of at least CHF 50.-.
1.2.2 Active Member (Princeps)
- Natural persons with voting rights who attend events organised by the association and make use of its services.
- They pay an annual membership fee of CHF 150.-.
1.2.3 Active member (Triarius)
- Natural persons with voting rights who attend events organised by the association and use its services.
- They plan and organise events for the Association. The association's premises are available to them for this purpose.
- They pay an annual membership fee of CHF 350.-.
1.2.4 Benefactor Member (Eques)
- Natural and legal persons with voting rights who support the purpose of the Association.
- They pay an annual membership fee of at least CHF 500.-.
1.3 Application
- Applications for membership may only be submitted online via the association's website.
1.4 Recording and invoicing
- The Executive Committee shall record the personal details of members in a digital database.
- It is the duty of members to inform the Executive Committee of any changes in their personal data.
- The Executive Committee shall invoice the annual membership fee by e-mail in the current financial year.
- According to Article 6 of the Statutes, the membership fee is also due for the year in which the member leaves the Association. There shall be no prorata refund.
2 Association premises
2.1 Legal basis
Article 2 of the Statutes sets out the following goals:
- To promote, organise and conduct the following non-profit gaming events: Board games, minature wargames and tabletop role-playing games.
- Cultivation of comradeship and conviviality among the members.
To achieve these goals, the association rents a clubhouse.
This Article of the Regulations of the Association may be amended at any time by the Executive Committee without submitting the Regulations of the Association to a vote of the Members' Assembly.
2.2 Access
- The members of the Executive Committee shall have a personal key to the clubhouse.
- Active members (Triarius) may obtain a key for the clubhouse for the purpose of organising club events.
2.3 Order and Cleanliness
- The property of the Association shall be treated with care and in an appropriate manner.
- All members shall contribute to keeping the clubhouse tidy.
- The clubhouse shall be cleaned every last Sunday of the month by all members present.
2.4 Catering
- In principle, it is permitted to eat in the clubhouse as far as possible.
- Own food must be clearly marked
- Unmarked food may be consumed by all members in return for an appropriate donation to the Association's coffers.
- Food that has exceeded its expiry date will be disposed of without being asked.
2.5 Collection
- Unmarked items (books, games etc.) in the collection may be used by all members according to their purpose.
- Personal items may be added to the collection if they are clearly marked.
- No items (books, games, etc.) may be removed from the club premises without the consent of the Executive Committee.
3 Events
3.1 Legal basis
Article 2 of the Statutes sets out the following goals:
- To promote, organise and conduct the following non-profit gaming events: Board games, minature wargames and tabletop role-playing games.
- Cultivation of comradeship and conviviality among the members.
This Article of the Regulations of the Association may be amended at any time by the Executive Committee without submitting the Regulations of the Association to a vote of the Members' Assembly.
3.2 Association Events
- Active members (Triarius) may plan and organise Association events.
- Active members (Triarius) may use the Association's premises to organise Association events.
- Events are published on the association's website.
- Active members must be given the opportunity to participate in Association events.
- Club events are free of charge for active members
- A fee may be charged for material provided to participants during and after the event (e.g. playing cards).
- Passive members, benefactor members and non-members may attend Association events three times a year (trial round).
3.3 Public Events
- The Executive Committee shall plan and organise public events
- Public events shall be published on the Association's website.
- There are no conditions for participation in public events
- In the case of registrations for tournaments or similar, the registrations of association members shall have priority.
- An entrance fee appropriate to the type, duration and preparation time may be charged for public events for the benefit of the association's treasury.
4 Executive Committee
4.1 Legal basis
Articles 9 and 10 of the Statutes state the following:
- The Executive Committee shall consist of at least one person.
- The Executive Committee shall manage the day-to-day business and represent the Association externally.
- It issues regulations.
- It may employ or commission persons for the achievement of the Association's objectives in return for appropriate compensation.
- The Executive Committee shall have all powers not delegated to another body by law or by the Statutes of the Association.
- The following departments are represented on the Board: Presidency, Quaestorship and Actuarial Office.
- The accumulation of offices is possible.
- The Executive Committee shall constitute itself.
- The Executive Committee shall meet as often as business requires.
- Any member of the Executive Committee may request a meeting, stating the reasons. Unless a member of the Executive Committee requests oral deliberation, resolutions may be passed by circular letter (including e-mail).
- The Executive Committee shall in principle act in an honorary capacity.
- The Executive Committee generally decides on the authority to sign in twos.
- For banking transactions, the Quaestorship shall be authorised to sign individually.
This article of the Association Regulations may be amended at any time by the Executive Committee without submitting the Association Regulations to a vote of the Members' Assembly.
4.2 Presidency
The activities of the Presidency shall include:
- Management of the Association
- Planning, holding and chairing the General Assembly
- Implementing the decisions of the General Assembly
- Preparation of the annual report
- Preparing and monitoring the annual programme
- Assisting in resolving conflict situations
- Maintaining entries in public directories
- Supporting the other departments
4.3 Quaestorship
The activities of the Quaestorship include:
- Invoicing and accounting for the association
- Preparation of the annual accounts with balance sheet and profit and loss account
- Preparation of the annual budget
- Administration of the association's account and treasury
- Checking and taking out insurance for the association
- Completing and submitting tax returns
- Supporting the other departments
4.4 Actuarial Office
The activities of the Actuarial Office office include:
- Maintenance of the membership list
- Processing of membership applications
- Processing of e-mail enquiries
- Keeping the minutes of the General Assembly
- Keeping the minutes of the board meetings
- Maintaining the social media accounts
- Supporting the other departments
4.5 Other activities
Other activities of the Executive Committee that cannot be assigned to a department are:
- Planning and implementation of public events
- Maintenance of the Association's website
- Maintenance of the Association's discord server
- Maintaining the association blog
- Creating and distributing promotional documents (flyers, etc.)
- Maintenance and administration of the clubhouse
5 Entry into force
These Regulations were adopted at the Members' Assembly of 25 March 2023 and entered into force.